Monday, September 19, 2011

Smart Coffee Cup week 2

                For my Smart coffee cup i will use different way to keep my idea from other so no one else can know about it. Nowadays social networks have low privacy settings, so I have to be very careful if i want some people to know about it. Facebook comes up with a new privacy setting like every two, and because the settings are so weak i will not be having any information relating to my project on Facebook.

              To be more cautious i will examine the settings of all social websites if i want to put up some information about my idea. It is smart to assume that nothing is private on the web so i will act accordingly when sharing information. I will use Google and other search engines to monitor my project, it can help me make sure that leaked information or photos of my ideas are not spread on the web.

                I will use Microsoft Exell, this software can help me create spreadsheets which can help me organize data in rows and columns and perform calculation on the data. It is very help because it has a lot of options, one of them is calculations. In Microsoft Exell there is a function called formula, this performs calculations on the data in the worksheet and display the resulting value in a cell, usually the cell containing the formula. Their is many other software that i can use that are custom made to help me design my project like Web page authoring software which can help me create web pages relating to my idea. Computers have come very far and thanks to new software that are made everyday to help people with their daily needs anybody can do anything if they have the right training and software on what they want to accomplish.

Igor M

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